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Email Config

navio requires some email configuration to enable email functionality on the platform for performing various actions such as sending mails for inviting users, resetting a user account or receiving notifications.

navio uses Send Grid, a cloud-based SMTP provider that acts as an email delivery engine for managing and sending these emails.

Send Grid Templates

Send grid templates need to be defined in order to eable users to make use the application. For each email, properties are sent. These need to be defined in the email.

This page describes the minimal setup. You are free to add more styling or change styling of the templates to your liking.

Activate Account

  • Mandatory Properties: user_activate_link
  • Optional Properties: username
<h1>Reset password</h1>
You are receiving this email because we received a password request for your
account {{ username }}.
<p><a href="{{reset_link}}" target="_blank" class="big">Reset password</a></p>
>If you did not reset your password, no further action is required.</small

Password Reset

  • Mandatory Properties: reset_link
  • Optional Properties: username
<h1>Reset password</h1>
You are receiving this email because we received a password request for your
account {{ username }}.
<p><a href="{{reset_link}}" target="_blank" class="big">Reset password</a></p>
>If you did not reset your password, no further action is required.</small

Use SendGrid template id from SendGrid and set it for mail.reset-password.template in ./storage/backend/conf/

Added to Workspace

  • Mandatory Properties: none
  • Optional Properties: inviter_username, workspace_name, workspace_link, workspace_name
{{ inviter_username }} added you to the workspace '{{ workspace_name }}'

Head over to
<a href="{{ workspace_link }}" target="_blank">{{ workspace_link }}</a> to
check it out.
<a class="big" href="{{ workspace_link }}" target="_blank"
>{{ workspace_name }}</a
>You can now find the workspace in the workspace switcher as well.</small

To configure access to SendGrid for navio, use the SendGrid template id from SendGrid and set it as the value for the following property: mail.workspace-access-granted-info.template.

This property is located in the navio properties file:./storage/backend/conf/